The Mirus Office Chair has a lot going for it in more ways than other office chairs. Like its cousins in the Ergohuman chair range, it has the single lever that controls seat height, seat depth and back tilt. The seat height means you can make sure that your feet comfortably touch the floor: if you have long legs, the seat will be higher than if you have shorter legs, where you will need to lower the seat to assure that you feet are touching down perfectly. If your chair is adjusted to the height of your desk then you may require a foot rest so that your legs don’t dangle. If your feet are not firmly on the floor, the chair could swivel a little to either side and this could pull a muscle in your back as you try to adjust yourself to the new and unexpected chair position.
The seat depth means how close the seat pad is to the chair back and, depending again on your height, you might want these two parts close to each other or further apart, as the idea is to make sure that your legs bend just after the seat pad ends, rather than trying to bend before hand, which would stop your feet touching the floor and could impede blood circulation.
The back tilt makes you feel comfortable in this ergonomic office chair and helps create the right distance needed for your extended arms, when you are working at your computer or desk.
The back height adjustment allows you to get the lumbar support exactly where you need it. This really is important, as a lot of sickness is caused by bad backs and that bad back will affect quality of life, so making use of that lumbar support facility can both reduce and prevent future discomfort.
If you’ve ever been working from a chair that doesn’t have armrests, you’ll know that strange ‘elbows in the air’ feeling and be able to appreciate that resting your lower arms on armrests reduce tiredness in your arms and make work a lot more comfortable. The armrests on the Mirus cater for height, angle and depth changes, so an adjustment can be found to meet your personal needs.
That leaves only the upholstery to think about and, with all adjustments in place, the Mirus should fit you perfectly and make long days more fruitful. I know mine works for me. The Mirus chair has a Zero Pressure seat cushion helps to distribute weight evenly across the seat pad to provide maximum comfort and support.